Relevance of Intelligence
I don't understand how many intellects actually believe that intelligence and goodness are correlated or that intelligence coexists with wisdom or what does a member of Mensa really translate to?
Not long ago, a study was undertaken by a doctor and another professor to study the IQ's of presidents in the last 5 decades and the one with the highest IQ was Clinton followed by Carter and JFK but the ones with the lowest IQ's in descending order were Reagan, GHWB followed by his son..the present President Bush. Guess what? that's a lie, there was no study but I bet you were pleased with the results, right? The point I'd like to make is that if we look back at history, it seems that from the former US presidents, the one with common sense was Truman and he didn't even have a college education.
Intelligence is one the new designer items, the new Chanel item which is invisible. Intelligence seems to be associated more with rudeness and ruthlessness. Isn't it? Nursery schools have turned into pre-schools. Carter, the nuclear engineer, the sophisticated talker...where as Bush was get too confused if he attempted at being sophisiticated, his lack of sophistication shows us all that he has no shades in his talks, it's black or white really and so we quickly assume he's dumb.
Unfortunately intelligence is not in the service for idealism, in the real world, it seems to be in the service of festering immorality. What is more important is the character of the person who holds the intelligence or at least common sense.
Many intelligent people and geniuses believed in the most stupid things whether they are presidents, snobby intellects or scientists
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