Some Americans say...
... that 911 was an inside job. My friend and I were in NYC (at the world trade center subway stop) and when we stepped out, this is exactly what we saw. A group of Americans going on and on that 911 was an inside job, they were giving away flyers with more info about it and so forth.
One poster said the following:
The opportunity: The break-up of the soviet empire and with it, the diminishment of influence of any competing political system and it's military power.
The Transformation:
1. Endless war on the world - regime change in nations unfriendly to "American Interests" - Full spectrum US global dominance.
2. Drastic increases in military spending, more US military bases around the world from which US military power can be projected.The statement: "the process of transformation, is likely to be a long one, absent from catastrophic and catalyzing event, - like a new Pearl Harbor".
Need I to comment further? I think not.
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